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Town Hall Meeting: Regulatory Issues & Opportunities for Offsite Construction in Colorado

Join MBI and Offsite Construction Stakeholders Across Colorado September 18, 2024, in Denver

Jon Hannah-Spacagna, Government Affairs Director, Modular Building Institute
Tom Hardiman, Executive Director, Modular Building Institute
Hilary Cooper, Director, Innovative Funding for Housing Programs, Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade
Sam Albrecht, Director, Office of Regulatory Oversight, Colorado Department of Local Affairs
Donnie Featherman, Program Manager, Building Codes and Standards, Colorado Department of Local Affairs

MBI's Government Affairs Committee has been actively monitoring and addressing a number of key issues impacting the industry in Colorado. From building codes to regulations and policies, there is no shortage of barriers standing in the way of greater market share. There are also many opportunities to grow the market with advocacy efforts. In this town hall meeting, attendees will get an update from MBI Government Affairs Director Jon Hannah-Spacagna and MBI Executive Director Tom Hardiman on the issues MBI is currently addressing as well as have an opportunity to help shape future policies and regulations.. This session will include local government officials and feature open discussion, questions, and answers.

MBI Government Affairs Town Hall in Denver, CO, September 18, 2024

This town hall will start at 1:15pm MT, during the Offsite Construction Summit in Denver, CO.

And Don't Miss the Rest of the Offsite Construction Summit in Denver

The Offsite Construction Summit, sponsored by the Modular Building Institute, will be hosted by the Colorado Convention Center, September 18, 2024, in gorgeous downtown Denver. See the complete agenda.

With nearly 250 attendees at last year's Denver event representing 120+ companies and organizations—including local and state governments—this annual Summit is the region's best opportunity to meet and engage with the leading offsite construction stakeholders in and around Colorado.