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MBI Issues Policy Position on Tariffs & Their Impact on Modular Construction. Read the statement here.

Modular Building Institute Leaders and Members line up as they swear to the MBI Code of Conduct

The Modular Building Institute has adopted these articles to promote and maintain high standards of professional service and ethical business conduct among its members and the industry.

Code of Conduct for Members - Guidelines for Ethical Practices

  • A member shall not give or accept gifts from suppliers, customers or other business associates that create the appearance that the gift giver is entitled to preferential treatment, an award of business or better pricing.
  • A member shall not give or accept gifts of cash, gifts prohibited by law, or gifts given as bribes, kickbacks or to secure an improper business advantage.
  • A member shall not give or receive gifts in the form of services or other non-cash benefits, such as the promise of employment.
  • A member shall not knowingly misrepresent information concerning his or her financial and professional business background.
  • A member shall not knowingly make misrepresentations about his or her company, competitors or the association.
  • A member shall not knowingly make misrepresentations about his or her products or services.

Member Pledge

  • To improve individual competence and advance the knowledge and proficiency of the commercial factory-built structures industry through continuing education and learning opportunities.
  • To promote greater awareness of modular construction methods and practices.
  • To treat suppliers, manufacturers and vendors in a professional manner and as part of the project team.
  • To promote safety and quality in our projects and within our company.
  • To participate to the best of our ability in the promotion of the industry.
  • To adhere to honesty and integrity and to generally accepted principles of professional conduct.
  • To adhere to the articles of the Code of Business Conduct as adopted by the governing Board of the Modular Building Institute.