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MBI Issues Policy Position on Tariffs & Their Impact on Modular Construction. Read the statement here.

Keystone Purchasing Network Informational Flipbooks

Main Category: Marketing Piece Entry
Entrant: Modular Genius Inc.

Award Criteria

Specific Medium Used


Target Audience

Existing and Potential Keystone Purchasing Network Members - A National Cooperative Purchasing Program

Message to be Communicated

To show potential and existing Keystone Purchasing Network members the ease of procuring a modular building.


Published on our website and distributed via social media and e-mail blasts.

Entry Objective

To simplify the procurement process of modular buildings for state government, local government, and taxpayer-funded education at all academic levels. The Keystone Purchasing Network is a cooperative purchasing program operating under Chapter 19, Intergovernmental Relations, of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Procurement Code, 62 Pa.C.S.§§1901 et.seq. The Keystone Purchasing Network is free to school districts and other public agencies, allowing members to buy immediately without having to go to bid. The Keystone Purchasing Network writes specifications, advertises for bids, publishes the bid solicitation, accepts sealed bid submissions, evaluates the results, awards to low bidders, and manages awarded vendors. This flipbook assists clients to design the building they need, with a variety of possible modular sections and complete floorplans, along with what steps they need to take to obtain that building.

Effect on Sales, Visits, or Inquiries

Of the awarded modular contractors within the Keystone Purchasing Network, Modular Genius, Inc. is in a class of its own. We feature a dedicated resource for clients, including preliminary information, floor plans, case studies, and next steps on our webpage for potential and existing KPN members. The flipbook is an all-in-one tool to allow Keystone Purchasing Network members to navigate the steps of procuring a modular building with taxpayer dollars. The flipbook is also a great tool for Modular Genius, Inc.’s Business Development Managers, whether in person or online, to help simplify a complicated process. As a result of the readily available and easy to use flipbooks, our Keystone Purchasing Network clients tell us it was easy to figure out what modular building fits their needs. Furthermore, the Keystone Purchasing Network itself was impressed with the flipbook and requested to use it in their nationwide marketing plan.

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