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MBI Issues Policy Position on Tariffs & Their Impact on Modular Construction. Read the statement here.

U.S. Federal Government’s Largest Civilian Real Estate Provider Requires ICC/MBI Off-Site Construction Standards in Design Requirements Update

The General Services Administration (GSA) Facility Standards (P100) also reestablishes the International Codes®, including the International Plumbing Code®, as the building codes for federal construction

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) has finalized the 2024 edition of the Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Service (P100). The 2024 edition of this standard marks the continued use of the International Codes® (I-Codes) as the building codes used for GSA owned buildings, and establishes them as the standard for other codes to be considered against. The GSA is the federal government’s largest civilian real estate provider and owns and leases over 363 million square feet of space in 8,397 buildings in more than 2,200 communities nationwide. This year’s newly announced P100 edition requires for the first time the International Code Council and Modular Building Institute’s (MBI) co-created ICC/MBI 1200 and ICC/MBI 1205 Standards for projects using off-site construction.

The Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Service (P100) establishes mandatory design standards and performance criteria for GSA-owned buildings. P100 is a mandatory standard that design and construction professionals must abide by. GSA updates the P100 every three years.

ICC/MBI Standards 1200 and 1205 are part of ICC/MBI’s existing series of off-site construction standards. The 1200 series comprehensively covers the entire life cycle of off-site construction projects, from design and fabrication to approval and inspection. In the last five months, both Virginia and Utah adopted these standards statewide. Additional state adoptions are expected in the coming months. More information can be found here.

“We welcome GSA’s continued support for the I-Codes and standards,” said Code Council Vice President of Innovation Ryan Colker. “Off-site construction is increasingly being recognized as a strategy to deliver higher performing buildings. Seeing off-site construction standards being required for the first time in P100 is a great step forward in helping federal agencies take advantage of the benefits. We look forward to continued work with all levels of government to support their use of the standards and leverage the benefits consistency in requirements provide.”

The updated P100 standard includes continued requirements tied to the following I-Codes:

Learn more about the GSA’s 2024 P100 standard here.

About the International Code Council

The International Code Council is the leading global source of model codes and standards and building safety solutions. Code Council codes, standards and solutions are used to ensure safe, affordable and sustainable communities and buildings worldwide.
