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How Issa Nesheiwat Conquered the Great Manufacturer/Design Divide

Issa Nesheiwat

Issa Nesheiwat is the President at Apex Modular Solutions

Just a few short years ago, Issa Nesheiwat had an idea. He had become fixated on the tiny house boom and knew there was a drought of quality products reaching the marketplace. Sure, local carpenters were throwing together cute little micro homes that were Instagram-able wonders. But who could ever really live in a space equal to that of a car trunk? Nesheiwat knew there had to be a better way.

Born in Jordan forty years ago, Nesheiwat is something of an outsider to the modular housing world. His entrepreneurial spirit led him from a childhood growing up in Yonkers, New York, to the more provincial location of Poughkeepsie where he delved into many unique business ventures. Not one to shy away from a challenge, he took on projects that seemed impossible, often in the housing sector. His innate sense of the fundamentals in finance, corporate branding, and business expansion have led him to where he is today. Jumping in feet first, he established Apex Modular Solutions to deal with the affordable housing crisis by offering buyers an attractive and fast way into home ownership, with compact models that met real family’s needs.

Apex Modular Solutions

However, a funny thing happened. The more Nesheiwat dealt with financing and manufacturing companies, the better he understood the power he never realized he had. Nesheiwat had already become the market leader in working with manufacturer specifications and options to create multiple alternatives in addition to customer self-design options. He knew he could do more.

Although tiny homes and ADU’s are a wonderful option, many families do not want to start off in one. Working with a variety of high-quality handpicked modular manufacturers, Nesheiwat was able to start creating his own interchangeable designs. His most successful “Iconic Ranch” series was the answer to every household looking to purchase a first home or downsize. That was not the end of his reach in the world of modularity.

modular house setting with crane
modular house setting
modular house setting
modular house setting

Apex modular house setting.

Over time, Nesheiwat left no blueprint unturned. From full size apartment complexes with flexible commercial space to colonial and cape style homes, he worked to develop designs that allowed the consumer to imprint their own needs into the plans. Types I-V construction are all covered by Nesheiwat. Additionally, he offers services to buyers including land development and easy financing options for one stop shopping. Nesheiwat is able to take everyone from the first-time home builder to the seasoned developer through the entire development process not unlike a project manager or engineering firm. Expertise, advice, and consultation are supplied in abundance.

While Nesheiwat’s headquarters may lie two hours outside of New York City, his reach is nationwide and even extends into Canada. The growing list of modular manufacturers he works with spans the country and he can offer his services virtually anywhere thanks to a unique website that the “Modular Maverick” unveiled recently. The site lets anyone turn their dreams into a reality with his branded “Dream, Design, Develop” mantra. Anyone can tune in to to see for themselves just how easy it is to start the process of living the Great American Dream.

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